Two Arrows Zen Virtual Zendo hosted by Anita Shoshin Floris
Via the Zoom Conference Platform
Monday - Friday: 6:00 - 8:00 am CET. 3 periods, 2 hours

  • First Sit: 6:00 - 6:35 am CET, 35 minutes
    • Kinhin (entry point) 6:35 - 6:44 am CET
  • Second Sit: 6:45 - 7:20 am CET, 35 minutes
    • Kinhin: (entry point) 7:20 - 7:29 CET
  • Third Sit: 7:30 - 8:00 am CET, 30 minutes

REGISTER FOR THE VIRTUAL ZENDO Hosted by Anita Shoshin Floris

Within 24 hours of your completed registration you will receive an email about how to connect via the Zoom Conference Platform. 

Virtual Zendo Ground Rules

1) Commit to a sitting schedule and then show up.

2) Be on time. Do not enter the zendo after the scheduled start time. The sits will start and end exactly at the published time for that session.

3) If there are multiple sits in your session, the sits are 35 minutes long with a ten minute kinhin (walking meditation) between sessions. You may enter the Virtual Zendo only before the first sit, or during the scheduled kinhin. Please do not leave before the end of a sit unless you have discussed it with the Host of that Virtual Zendo.

4) Video will be on and you are asked to be in view of your video camera, just as you would be visible to others in a physical Zendo. This means we will be aware of each other directly, including any movement or background activity visible to your computer camera. Please join the call from a visually quiet space and stabilize your device camera to minimize movement. You may mute your sound.